Thursday, August 19, 2010


As some of you know Dario is obsessed with vacuums! Dario has to say goodbye to the vacuum whenever he leaves the house, and almost everyday we vacuum the house, because Dario enjoys it so much. When I vacuum at home, Dario vacuums along side or me or Dario hops around in excitement that the vacuum is on. Recently we got a new vacuum and Dario referred to it as the "cool vacuum". Grandma got the vacuum pictured above at a yard sale for three dollars and it looks like the "cool vacuum" we have at home. Dario was in heaven when he saw this vacuum and spent most of our time in Ohio with it by his side. When Dario's Grandpa stopped by for a visit Dario kept showing him the vacuum. It was the best three dollars Grandma every spent!

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