Sunday, August 8, 2010

4H Fair

Of course when I mentioned there was a 4H fair going on to Vince he wanted to go. Vince was in 4H when he was younger, and had his own horse. We went to the fair and saw the cows, pigs, goats, horses, sheep. Dario loved making the animal sounds to the animals he saw, although I don't think the animals liked it. We also saw a tractor pull and thought of Charlie the entire time! When we went to see the horses Dario and Vince were excited but I think Vince was a little bit more excited. Vince was jealous of the stalls they had for the horses and the facility. We walked around and had a great time. Then it was time for the rides. Dario loves rides, the faster the better. In the first few pictures Dario was able to control which direction and how fast he could spin. Dario had a blast spinning around like crazy. The last picture is of course Dario in a swing, by far his favorite. He had to go on this ride twice, and loved every moment of it!


Erin said...

Great pictures! Charlie would have loved the tractor pulls, I have no doubt. Maybe I should look into our local fairs! Hope you're having a great weekend =)

Erin said...

ps - I love your blog!!

Amy said...

too cute!! Dario is laughing in nearly every picture- it looks like you guys had a blast!