Wednesday, February 29, 2012

King cake time

Ain't Mary sent us a King Cake and we were all thrilled, especially Dario!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

First tooth

Danilo got his first tooth. It is in the bottom row, front tooth. He didn't fuss, drool like crazy, or even complain. I noticed it because I was hurting while he was nursing, I have to change that habit quick! Let's hope the rest of the teeth come in like this one.

Gigi turns 4

Dario's good friend and classmate, Gigi, had her 4th birthday party yesterday. We headed to curiosity zone for some science experiments, volcanoes, and fun.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Ice Skating

Last week we went to watch the Capitals practice. When we were there they had ice skating lessons for 4 year olds, and Dario was in love. He has been asking to go ice skating for a week. Grandma Gina came to visit this weekend so we all headed to the ice skating rink. Grandma Gina and Danilo watched as Vince, Dario, and myself went skating. We headed out all scared and Dario had a tough time but was trying. We took a break as the zambomi came out, and after that Dario was ready to go. We got back on the ice and he did great and kept yelling, "I AM DOING IT!" We are so proud of him!!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Green Stuff

Danilo has been trying lots of new foods lately. He has been really enjoying the green things like string beans, zucchini, and broccoli. So far anything you give him he inhales it and wants to know why there is not more of it.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


In November I ran a half marathon, and a few days after I headed to the gym. When I was at the gym, I felt out of shape. I remember being in college and training and doing some many exercises with just my body weight. When I was at the gym it was hard to do those exercises, and I headed back home to talk to Vince about my feelings. He recommended a workout program called Insanity.  Insanity is max interval training and you perform long bursts of max intensity exercises with short periods of rest. I decided to give it a shot, and it was insane! You workout 6 days a week for 60 days, starting out with 40 minute workouts and then getting to 60 minute workout. I have to say each day was a challenge to complete but I got stronger each day, and after week 1 I saw results. The other day I finished Insanity, and I was so proud of myself! Now I have a teammate that I convinced to do the program, and I am going to start it up again and add some running to it.  

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Dario enjoying his breakfast, pancakes
Dario enjoyed his Valentine's Day present from Mom and Dad, The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog!
All wearing red as we celebrate Valentine's Day

The morning started off with breakfast as we enjoyed pancakes. Then when we got home we enjoyed flowers, heart shaped pizza, and presents. Dario loves the Pigeon books by Mo Willems, and has reminded Vince and I many times that the only book he does not have is the hot dog one. So, when he opened his gift today, he yelled and screamed in excited and made us read it over and over again. Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day! 

Monday, February 13, 2012

We are so lucky

We have such happy boys who laugh and smile all the time. We talk all the time how we are so lucky and fortunate to have Dario and Danilo.
A big thanks to John and Christy for sending a big box of clothes for our rapidly growing Danilo who is now wearing 18 month clothes. His new outfit looks great!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Valentine's Project

Valentine's Day is a round the corner and I wanted to do something fun for Dario's class. So, of course I headed to Pinterest and found a craft of using old crayons to make heart shaped crayons and they turned out great! First we started with old crayons and peeled all the wrappers off

Then we broke them into little pieces and filled a heart shape cookie tray with lots of crayons 
We baked them in the oven, let them cool and popped them out of the tray
Then we printed off labels, and put them in little baggies for Dario's class. They said on the front, Color your heart out, Happy Valentine's Day! On the back was a warning about how it was not candy but a crayon. 
When you use the heart to color it comes out multi-colored and looks great. We had a fun time with this project !

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Playground fun

Dario rode his bike to the playground while Danilo and I followed. We had a great time getting lots of energy out.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Washington Car Show

We all headed to DC this weekend for the car show. Dario's favorite part was seeing the Izod Indy race car. He saw it and yelled, "a Francesco!"

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Playing Trains

Danilo enjoys ripping apart Dario's train set. It is really interesting watching Dario's reaction to Danilo ripping apart the tracks. Sometimes I hear, it's okay Danilo you are a baby" Other times I hear, DANILO, that's not nice.MOM get Danilo away!"