Monday, September 30, 2013

Round 2 for a hike

We went for another hike and exploring. This weather is perfect, not too cold and not too hot. Our hike ended up being a hike up a huge incline! We discovered caterpillars, bugs, birds, flowers, spiders, etc. The boys had a blast and when we reached the top they got a snack break, and were thrilled it was Halloween mini M&M's. 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Camp fire fun

We headed to the local library last night for some camp fire fun. We listened to live music by a camp fire while eating popcorn and drinking apple cider. Then the group split up to either the quiet nocturnal night hike, or the rambunctious play. I am sure you are all wondering which group Dario picked, I know it was a tough choice, ha! Well they got glow sticks and played zombie games, tag, and a few other games. Then it was time for s'mores by the camp fire. It was a fun night!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Hiking in Ohio

The weather is getting cooler so it was time to check out a trail that is by us. The boys and I went in a nice hike and took a lollipop break in the middle! 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Love of Pancakes

Danilo is a huge fan of pancakes. He is a picky eater but will always chow down on pancakes. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

And.....he's off

Dario and I have been heading to the bike path each weekend together. It is a great to spend one on one time with him, while he gets his energy out. He has been working on riding his bike further and further. This weekend he was able to ride 1.5 miles, and we were both thrilled!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Dario's first Soccer Game

Dario played his first soccer game and it was exciting. He was thrilled to find out the teams shirt was orange and his name   and the nunber 5 was on the back. He had great team work, loved running back and forth, and enjoyed the game. When they took a break Dario said, "Come on, let's play so we can win!" Dario scored his first goal, and got many cheers and was so proud of himself. We are looking forward to our weekly games. 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Birthday Party Time

My college roommate was having a birthday party for her daughter, Avery. We were excited we lived close enough to celebrate this day. Dario and I headed to Pump it Up and then ran a bunch of errors, and even got to see Dario's cousin, Sophia who is going to be a big sister Monday. We had a great day! 

Friday, September 6, 2013