Saturday, December 31, 2011

Grocery Shopping in Great Barrington

We headed to the grocery store in Great Barrington to stock the house with food for all the cousins coming to visit. Danilo had a great first time in a shopping cart. 

Friday, December 30, 2011


As most of you know Dario loves transformers. He received transformer play dough for Christmas and he had enjoyed it very much!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas day

We all had a wonderful Christmas and really enjoyed having a little boy who totally believes in Santa. The excitement on his face every time he opened a new gift was priceless, so far Vince and I agreed it was the best Christmas!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Very Merry Christmas!

We all had a very Merry Christmas this year, and were very spoiled! These are Dario's three favorite presents  for Christmas. We hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas. 

Friday, December 23, 2011

Having fun at the Playground

We bundled up the other day and headed to the park, and we were the only ones there and loved it! 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Watch Out!

Danilo is crawling! So, hide Christmas lights, Laptops, and Dario's toys, he wants them! 

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Look, Mommy a Reindeer!

I made these cupcakes with Dario in mind, ,something new for the holidays. After making them I was a little disappointed in the way they turned out. I walked out of the kitchen to help Danilo when Dario yelled, "Look, Mommy a reindeer!!!" I said, "Where?" Dario pointed to my cupcakes! I was thrilled he knew what it was. Then he ate one and said," Mommy these are really good!" Dario made me feel so much better. What a great kid!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas parade

This past weekend we headed to old town Leesburg, VA for a Christmas parade. We headed out in the cold and had a great time watching the floats, collecting candy, watching police cars and fire trucks, and of course seeing Santa!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree

We were finally able to finish putting the ornaments up in the tree! The first two ornaments Dario put on the tree looked like toys and he could not understand why you would put the ornaments on the tree and not play with them. Once Dario realized they were there to just look at , he had to put them all in the same spot on his level to see. Well, I move some around later and blamed it on our elf :)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

My food shopping buddy

Ever Saturday Dario and I head to Wegmans and then Costco. We have not been home the past three weekends so Dario has missed out of our routine, and has said," Oh, Mann!"We did our routine today and I had one little happy camper along with me!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Santa Train

While we were in Athens over Thanksgiving holiday there was a Santa Train. We thought this would be a great time to see Santa but also Dario's first train ride experience. Vince and I wanted to have this experience alone with Dario since we never seem to get alone time with Dario anymore and Danilo seems to need a lot of our attention. We often feel guilty about sharing our time between Dario and Danilo. So, we left Danilo with Grandma and off the three of us went.
Dario said, "All Aboard!"
Need to hand the conductor our ticket
Daddy and Dario having fun
It was so fun looking out the window
Oh my gosh, Santa is really here
Santa: "What do you want for Christmas?"
Dario: "Ultra Magnus!"
Santa: "What is that?"
Mommy I got to tell Santa what I want for Christmas!

We all had a great time listening to Christmas music, riding the train, visiting with Santa. Dario was also lucky that he was interviewed by the Athens Messenger newspaper that day and was on the front page of two local papers this Monday! When I get the article I will make sure to post it!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Bath time with Grandma

Danilo loves baths, especially trying to grab the water from the faucet. Grandmas house has a great sink where Danilo can grab a hold of the water and splash around.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

We headed to Athens, Ohio for Thanksgiving this year. Bette Jo hosted dinner and allowed all the Giardino's to invade her house. We ate a ton, played a lot, and enjoyed each others company. We had a wonderful time and there are so many things we are thankful for. I am especially thankful to have Vince home for thanksgiving this year, as he has missed a few holidays being overseas. I am thankful for all the men, and women who are overseas and sacrifice many things. We all hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Mommy!

I celebrated my birthday today with all my boys. It was so nice having Vince home for my birthday this year. Vince and Dario made me breakfast this morning before I headed to work,but Dario would not allow us to take pictures, and then Danilo and Vince got me my favorites for dinner. Maggianos and a Cravel Ice Cream Cake! I grew up on cravel and thought it was every where, until I moved to college and realized I was just lucky. Today was the boys first experience with Fudgie the Whale, and they fell in love with it. My birthday turned out to be a great day!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Boys Bath Time

The boys love bath time, especially now that Danilo is sitting up. Danilo loves splashing the water and trying to grab it. Dario on the other hand loves cold water and will not let you add warm water to the tub. While Danilo's tub filled with warm water is in the big tub filled with cold water, Dario loves telling me how warm Danilo's water is and how yucky it is.