Sunday, November 28, 2010


Dario and I headed to Ohio to see Vince's side of the family for Thanksgiving. We had a wonderful time and we enjoyed spending Thanksgiving with 21 other family members. Dario had a great time playing with all of his cousins and was entertained every second we were there and very worn out at the end of each day. Some how I never had my camera but others did so I will have to get some of their pictures. Dario's favorite thing was helping his grandma make the mashed potatoes and "tasting" them to see if they needed more seasoning. He had two full plates of food, mostly potatoes, and of course bread with butter! At one point he was double fisting while eating, it was funny!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dario has a new cousin!

We want to welcome Thomas Frank into the world as he arrived this morning! He looks perfect, and we can't wait to meet him. Congrats to my sister Regan and my brother in law Jason!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Mickey Jacket

Dario got a really cool jacket from his Aunt Annie and Aunt Cea. It has his name on the front with Mickey, and Mickey playing soccer on the back. He likes it so much he didn't want to take it off when he headed to bed, but I promised he could wear it again. Again Dario is spoiled :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

"I shave just like my Daddy"

Dario loves going through the cabinets in the bathroom, especially his daddy's drawers. He found this razor, without a razor blade and said, "I shave just like my daddy." It was so cute as he pretended to shave so carefully just like Vince does!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

My happy Dario!

I am one of the luckiest people in the world to have such a happy kid. Most of the time Dario is very happy, especially after he eats :) Here he is relaxing after a good lunch!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

First Time Bowling!

We headed to Alisa'a 5th birthday party today which was a bowling party. I was not sure how Dario was going to handle waiting for others and the whole bowling thing. Well, he loved it! As he pushed the ball down the ramp he watched to see how many pins it knocked down and then ran to get another ball, and would yell the color of the ball he picked to roll! Luckily for Dario there was hardly much wait for his next turn to bowl! It was a great day of bowling, and to top it off he had pizza and cake, his two favorite things. Thanks also to Aunt Annie and Aunt Cea for the Toy Store T-shirt he is wearing.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Skyping with Daddy

Dario and I really enjoy our early morning skype sessions with Vince. Dario gets so excited when he hears the phone ringing on the computer and always jumps up and says, "Daddy's calling me!"

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Grandma came for the weekend and Dario got his second hair cut. He is so happy because he is eating, not because he is getting his hair cut! :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Trick or Treat

Getting ready for Trick of Treating!
Trick or Treating with friends is so much fun!
Dario has his spider web bag ready to get candy!

My mommy said I could only pick one, so the hardest thing to do tonight is decide which piece of candy I want!
Enjoying some of the candy that he worked so hard to get :)
Now that my face has chocolate on it, and I am in my Halloween PJ's it is off to bed!

This is the first house we went to and Dario was in shock of the smoke, and he took one piece of candy and then realized there was a whole bowl.